God is Calling Us To Do a New Thing!
God is calling us to do a new thing here in Southeastern Pennsylvania!
It’s not easy being the church today. That’s why Forward Together in Faith is raising $2.5 million to help equip your congregation for the future of ministry. It’s an investment in our Synod’s leaders and congregations. (Click the image above to hear Pastor Bryan Penman share his vision for this campaign.)
This investment will help change the culture of our synod, to advance networking, innovating, communicating and equipping among leaders and congregations.
We will help you network with other communities of faith and your neighborhood to serve people in need.
We will help your congregation think creatively about ministry as we support innovative new communities of faith.
We will help you develop better communications practices to engage social media, websites, video, and new channels that are just emerging.
We will equip leaders to empower healthy congregations by offering mission assessments, developing learning events and more fully supporting our seminarians, who are tomorrow’s leaders.
Some of the funds raised will be spent now to advance these key ministry areas. The rest will be invested to resource congregations in years to come.
But we can’t do it without you! We need congregations and individuals to step forward and make generous gifts to help us continue investing in you.
- To find out more about how your congregation can participate contact Rev. Rachel Anderson at campaign@sepa.org.